
Organ and Stem Cell Therapy for Rejuvenation, Regeneration and Treatment of Chronic Degenerative Diseases with Embryonic Stem Cells (ESC) and Lyophilized Fresh Organ Cells (LFC) prepared for Special Purpose Applications (SPA).


The International Association for Organ & Stem Cell Therapy Specialists, Switzerland, Germany and France (IAOSS) was established over 40 years ago in Switzerland. About a decade ago, Germany signed on and recently France as well. The organisation is a combination of Swiss, German and French organ cellular specialists who have formulated an effective tissue repair and regeneration system using organ and stem cell therapy. The organisation aims to provide current and resourceful information regarding technical and clinical advances in the field of organ extracts and cellular therapies.

Cell therapy is a complementary biological treatment which is employed to combat symptoms of early ageing and chronic degenerative diseases. Choice of active cellular materials are harvested from various specially bred sheep embryo or early foetal tissues to activate repair, regeneration and rejuvenation of the human body. Early foetal cellular materials are more effective than adult cells because in an early foetus, organs such as the liver, spleen and thymus gland are not fully formed yet, and so the cells are very active. The rationale is that young active cells will act as the catalyst to revitalise old cells.

Upon harvesting, the cells undergo a rigorous and complex series of processes, from high tech filtration under stringent conditions, to cryogenic activity and freeze-drying to preserve the biological composition and integrity of the cells. The lyophilised cells then can be securely transported around the world and reactivated again through reconstitution (where the lyophilised cells are hydrated with sterilised water).

Main stream medicine generally treats the symptoms but occasionally, not the problem itself. For example, you take pain killers to alleviate a headache and the headache goes away but the underlying problem is still not addressed. At IAOSS and The German Society for Thymus Therapy (GSTT), the oldest cell therapy society in Germany, we emphasise rejuvenation and regeneration to restore functions of organs and body systems.

A big part of IAOSS education is that cell therapy as complementary medicine is not only about treating the disease, but instead, rejuvenating and regenerating your body systems, and allowing it to heal itself.